Sitecore Development / Kim Hornung

Sunday, October 22, 2006

What to expect from this blog?

I'm quite busy at the moment (probably not very suprising - who in the IT business aren't busy these days!?), but as a teaser, here is a list of some of the articles that I would like to write as soon as I find the time:

  • How to implement your own ribbon commands in Sitecore v5.3 (but this might as well end up as a scrapbook article)
  • A simple way to override Sitecore login box
    Use case 1: You want to retrieve back-end users from a custom data storage such as a CRM system
    Use case 2: Back-end users are stored in multiple different locations (AD, Notes, Sitecore)
  • Strategies for performance optimizations and troubleshooting
    This would most likely be links to existing SDN5 articles about IIS content expiration, Microsoft LogParser, caching, the rendering statistics API in Sitecore v5.3, etc.


Welcome to yet another Sitecore blog.

My name is Kim Hornung, and I have been working as a solution architect in Sitecore Denmark since January, 2006.

I'm curently working with pre-sales (giving demonstrations to potential partners and customers, training developers, giving support to Danish partners, and etc.) I am also involved in more technically challing tasks such as performance troubleshooting, and lately I've been spending quite a bit of time testing the soon-to-be-released v5.3 (which is really exciting!). From time to time, I also get to do a bit of website implementation and various proof-of-concepts.